Monday, 22 October 2007


With all the subtle paints of Fragonard
no more of their red and white could be expressed
than someone would convey about his mistress
by telling you, "She was lovely, lying there
still soft with sleep." They rise above the green
grass and lightly sway on their long pink stems,
side by side, like enormous feathery blossoms,
seducing (more seductively than Phryne)
themselves; till, necks curling, they sink their large
pale eyes into the softness of their down,
where apple-red and jet-black lie concealed.
A shriek of envy shakes the parrot cage;
but they stretch out, astonished, and one by one
stride into their imaginary world.

(Rainer Maria Rilke)


Michael F Harris said...

If they were plastic they'd look great on my lawn. It's a weird Buffalo thing.

Unknown said...

I saw some flamingoes here on a lake earlier in the year, like a pink cloud hovering above the water - deicious.

No, the other 10 times must have been George of the Lakes without a doubt.

Intelliblog said...

Almost like something out of a Rousseau painting! :-)
How do I add you to my friends list on this thing?

Anonymous said...

I am reading Letters to a Young Poet by Rilke. (I made it on here. Is there some way of linking to your blog from mine? Mine is called The Adventures of Dangerous Meredith)

Gone Fishing said...

First of all, your page is gorgeous! I don't know if I can ever get mine to look half as lovely! And thank you for the tips -- I have added you to my favourite blogs! I'm happy to see you over here.

I loved this picture -- loved the song on the page -- loved it all. Big hugs!