Sunday, 18 November 2007

Art on a cold Sunday

Called a masterpiece from the very first day,Manet's train station, the Gare Saint Lazare, is a favourite of mine. I love airports and railway stations, mainly because I like to sit there watching the people go by, guessing where they come from and where they're going to, I am the little girl on Manet's painting, also from the first time I saw this work.


JBinford-Bell said...

This has always been one of my most favorite paintings. Maybe it is because of all the wonderful stories my mind makes up when viewing it. And the stories are never the same.

Thanks for posting it and reminding me of the wonderful memories it creates in my mind.

nightowl said...

This is one of the paintings I'd love to own, in that little gallery of my own, we all have one, I think.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is alot going on here, even tho you dont see it first glance, the young girl watching and waiting, the older woman with a puppy and a book.
Lots of stories to make up in this one.

Unknown said...

This is lovely. I remember your fondness for Manet and this is a favorite of mine as well.

nightowl said...

Heidi, Blogger is excellent, very user friendly and easy to move around. I like it very much.
You're right, Anne, a lot f stories could be written about this painting. The woman is the same person who modelled for Olympia, she was herself a painter of some talent.